Mrityunjaya Stotram

(Rishi Markandeya is supposed have composed this)

rudraṁ paśupatiṁ sthāṇuṁ nīlakaṇṭhamumāpatim |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 1 ||
nīlakaṇṭhaṁ kālamūrtiṁ kālajñaṁ kālanāśanam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 2 ||
nīlakaṇṭhaṁ virūpākṣaṁ nirmalaṁ nilayapradam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 3 ||
vāmadēvaṁ mahādēvaṁ lōkanāthaṁ jagadgurum |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 4 ||
dēvadēvaṁ jagannāthaṁ dēvēśaṁ vr̥ṣabhadhvajam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 5 ||
gaṅgādharaṁ mahādēvaṁ sarvābharaṇabhūṣitam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 6 ||
tryakṣaṁ caturbhujaṁ śāntaṁ jaṭāmakuṭadhāriṇam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 7 ||
bhasmōddhūlitasarvāṅgaṁ nāgābharaṇabhūṣitam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 8 ||
anantamavyayaṁ śāntaṁ akṣamālādharaṁ haram |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 9 ||
ānandaṁ paramaṁ nityaṁ kaivalyapadadāyinam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 10 ||
ardhanārīśvaraṁ dēvaṁ pārvatīprāṇanāyakam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 11 ||
pralayasthitikartāramādikartāramīśvaram |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 12 ||
vyōmakēśaṁ virūpākṣaṁ candrārdhakr̥taśēkharam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 13 ||
gaṅgādharaṁ śaśidharaṁ śaṅkaraṁ śūlapāṇinam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 14 ||
anāthaḥ paramānandaṁ kaivalyaḥpadagāminam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 15 ||
svargāpavargadātāraṁ sr̥ṣṭisthityantakāraṇam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 16 ||
kalpāyurdēhi mē puṇyaṁ yāvadāyurarōgatām |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 17 ||
śivēśānāṁ mahādēvaṁ vāmadēvaṁ sadāśivam |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 18 ||
utpattisthitisaṁhārakartāramīśvaraṁ gurum |
namāmi śirasā dēvaṁ kiṁ nō mr̥tyuḥ kariṣyati || 19 ||
mārkaṇḍēyakr̥taṁ stōtraṁ yaḥ paṭhēcchivasannidhau |
tasya mr̥tyubhayaṁ nāsti nāgnicaurabhayaṁ kvacit || 20 ||
śatāvartaṁ prakartavyaṁ saṅkaṭē kaṣṭanāśanam |
śucirbhūtvā paṭhēt stōtraṁ sarvasiddhipradāyakam || 21 ||
mr̥tyuñjaya mahādēva trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam |
janmamr̥tyujarārōgaiḥ pīḍitaṁ karmabandhanaiḥ || 22 ||
tāvakastvadgataḥ prāṇastvaccittō:’haṁ sadā mr̥ḍa |
iti vijñāpya dēvēśaṁ tryambakākhyamanaṁ japēt || 23 ||
namaḥ śivāya sāmbāya harayē paramātmanē |
praṇataklēśanāśāya yōgināṁ patayē namaḥ || 24 ||

An important lesson for today’s world


An excerpt from The GOSPEL of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa…..

How to deal with the wicked

A DEVOTEE: "Sir, if a wicked man is about to do harm, or actually does so, should we keep quiet then?"

MASTER: "A man living in society should make a show of tamas to protect himself from evil-minded people.  But he should not harm anybody in anticipation of harm likely to be done him. 

Parable of the snake

"Listen to a story.  Some cowherd boys used to tend their cows in a meadow where a terrible poisonous snake lived.  Everyone was on the alert for fear of it.  One day a brahmachari was going along the meadow.  The boys ran to him and said: 'Revered sir, please don't go that way.  A venomous snake lives over there.' 'What of it, my good children?' said the brahmachari.  'I am not afraid of the snake.  I know some mantras.' So saying, he continued on his way along the meadow.  But the cowherd boys, being afraid, did not accompany him.  In the mean time the snake moved swiftly toward him with upraised hood.  As soon as it came near, he recited a mantra, and the snake lay at his feet like an earthworm.  The brahmachari said: 'Look here.  Why do you go about doing harm? Come, I will give you a holy word.  By repeating it you will learn to love God.  Ultimately you will realize Him and so get rid of your violent nature.' Saying this, he taught the snake a holy word and initiated him into spiritual life.  The snake bowed before the teacher and said, 'Revered sir, how shall I practise spiritual discipline?' 'Repeat that sacred word', said the teacher, 'and do no harm to anybody'.  As he was about to depart, the brahmachari said, 'I shall see you again.'

"Some days passed and the cowherd boys noticed that the snake would not bite.  They threw stones at it.  Still it showed no anger; it behaved as if it were an earthworm.  One day one of the boys came close to it, caught it by the tail, and, whirling it round and round, dashed it again and again on the ground and threw it away.  The snake vomited blood and became unconscious.  It was stunned.  It could not move.  So, thinking it dead, the boys went their way. 

"Late at night the snake regained consciousness.  Slowly and with great difficulty it dragged itself into its hole; its bones were broken and it could scarcely move.  Many days passed.  The snake became a mere skeleton covered with a skin.  Now and then, at night, it would come out in search of food.  For fear of the boys it would not leave its hole during the day-time.  Since receiving the sacred word from the teacher, it had given up doing harm to others.  It maintained its life on dirt, leaves, or the fruit that dropped from the trees. 

"About a year later the brahmachari came that way again and asked after the snake.  The cowherd boys told him that it was dead.  But he couldn't believe them.  He knew that the snake would not die before attaining the fruit of the holy word with which it had been initiated.  He found his way to the place and, searching here and there, called it by the name he had given it.  Hearing the teacher's voice, it came out of its hole and bowed before him with great reverence.  'How are you?' asked the brahmachari.  'I am well, sir', replied the snake.  'But', the teacher asked, 'why are you so thin?' The snake replied: 'Revered sir, you ordered me not to harm any body.  So I have been living only on leaves and fruit.  Perhaps that has made me thinner.'

"The snake had developed the quality of sattva; it could not be angry with anyone.  It had totally forgotten that the cowherd boys had almost killed it. 

"The brahmachari said: 'It can't be mere want of food that has reduced you to this state.  There must be some other reason.  Think a little.' Then the snake remembered that the boys had dashed it against the ground.  It said: 'Yes, revered sir, now I remember.  The boys one day dashed me violently against the ground.  They are ignorant, after all.  They didn't realize what a great change had come over my mind.  How could they know I wouldn't bite or harm anyone?' The brahmachari exclaimed: 'What a shame! You are such a fool! You don't know how to protect yourself.  I asked you not to bite, but I didn't forbid you to hiss.  Why didn't you scare them by hissing?'

"So you must hiss at wicked people.  You must frighten them lest they should do you harm.  But never inject your venom into them.  One must not injure others. 

"In this creation of God there is a variety of things: men, animals, trees, plants.  Among the animals some are good, some bad.  There are ferocious animals like the tiger.  Some trees bear fruit sweet as nectar, and others bear fruit that is poisonous.  Likewise, among human beings, there are the good and the wicked, the holy and the unholy.  There are some who are devoted to God, and others who are attached to the world. 


If you want to read more


Coaching for Confidence and Success

Constructive coaching has disappeared from the most of the indian society in today's fast world. When a child grows up he or she is constantly pumped with information all around,something which the individual has no control on. A lot of these gained knowledge may not have any facts or data to back the information. A lot of times when the child asks their parents for the basis of this information or say a ritual, he or she is rebuked and ordered to just abide by the elder's instructions.

Quick reference of Farm Object’s Permissions Matrix

Farm Objects


Central Admin Site (1)

Config DB

Shared Svc Admin Site (1)


Search DB

Project DB(s)

Associated Content Sites (1)

Central Admin App Pool








SSP App Pool (admin site + web svc + timer)








Content App Pools









Issues with FLV file when Blob Cache is enabled


Noticed this issue yesterday. Although this has been fixed with KB961749 -, there may be requirements wherein the update/patch cannot be applied and hence requires a workaround.

There are two possible workarounds, the first of which is to disable Blog Cache(not a good workaround :-) ). This can affect performance of other file types.

The second option is to modify the web.config file. The entry <BlobCache location="C:\blob" path="\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js|flv)$" maxSize="200"  can be modified to remove the file extension type of “flv”. So basically we are telling SharePoint to disable Blob Caching for files with extension .flv


Remove Licensing issues in SharePoint Server 2007 post SP2


During the installation of SP2, a product expiration date is improperly activated. This means SharePoint will expire as though it was a trial installation 180 days after SP2 is deployed. The activation of the expiration date will not affect the normal function of SharePoint up until the expiration date passes. Furthermore, product expiration 180 days after SP2 installation will not affect customer’s data, configuration or application code but will render SharePoint inaccessible for end-users.

A fix is now available vide KB971620 - This issue is no longer observed as SP2 build has been updated on the download site.

Technorati Tags: ,,

note: Installation of this fix does not immediately change the license type. There is a background timer job that runs which normally takes about 20-30 minutes.

Note 1: We have also observed recently that in some scenarios entering the product key does not completely resolve licensing issues until and unless the PS Configuration wizard is run.


What is best - Backup/Restore or Export/Import?



Chart showing the differences between Backup/Restore and Export/Import.





Two methods
– when the url parameter is used a site collection backup is created

- when the backupmethod parameter is used backup of an individual database, web application or entire farm can be created


Backs up entire Site collection including permissions.

Export sites and/or subsite data. A limitation of the Backup operation.


There is no Default File Extension for back up files when using the url parameter. Any filename can be provided. However while using the backupmethod a directory or location(can include a unc path) needs to be specified

Default file Extension (if not mentioned) ".cmp"


When using the backupmethod parameter also known as catastrophic backup supports "Full" and "Differential" back up of Web Applicaitons. If "overwrite" option is selected while restoring it overwrites entire SiteCollection.

Provides "versions" option to control migrate/overwrite files in site


Not possible to schedule backups;however can be automated by creating a batch file and scheduling through Windows Task Scheduler.

Backup files should be copied to server


Backup of Site Collection can be tracked by stsadm -o backuphistory operation

Sites/SiteCollections would not track export/Import history


I) A large limiting factor when restoring site collections is that the backup includes the GUIDs that identify all of the items in the content database and hence are reused during the restore. If the site is being restored to a different URL and the original site still exists there will be a conflict. If this happens the only way for SharePoint to allow the restore is for the site to be restored to a new database so that the GUIDs will be unique in that database. A similar error like the one below may be displayed:
No content databases are available for this operation. Create a content database, and then try the operation again. To create a content database, click "Content databases" on the Application Management page, select the Web application to use, and then click "Add a content database."

II) It is preferable to use the Setsitelock operation to set the site collection url read-only for the entire time of the backup{ stsadm -o setsitelock -url <URL name> -lock readonly }

III) Post SP2 site collections are automatically locked as read-only before a backup process occurs.

IV) Post SP2 the force parameter can be used to ignore disk space check.


Command Syntax :


For site collection backup

stsadm.exe -o backup
-url <url>

-filename <filename>



the [-overwrite] is required when a backup already exists with the same filename. Success/Failure of the operation is displayed.

For catastrophic backup

stsadm.exe -o backup

-directory <unc path or local drives>

-backupmethod <full or differential>


[-item] <created path from tree>

[-percentage] <integer between 1 and 100>

[-backupthreads] <integer between 1 and 100>




For site collection restore

stsadm -o restore

-url <URL name>

-filename <file name>

[-hostheaderwebapplicationurl] <Web application URL>


the[-overwrite] is required when the site already exists.

For catastrophic restore

stsadm -o restore

-directory <UNC path>

-restoremethod <overwrite or new>

[-backupid] <GUID from backuphistory, see stsadm -help backuphistory>

[-item] <created path from tree>

[-percentage] <integer between 1 and 100>



[-username] <user name>

[-password] <password>

[-newdatabaseserver] <new database server name>




stsadm -o export

-url <URL name>

-filename <export file name>






[-versions] <1-4>

[-cabsize] <integer value>




stsadm -o import

-url <URL name>

-filename <import file name>





[-updateversions] <1-3>


